MiWER in the media


Southway, K. (2020) Tackling saline mine pit lakes.  Australian Mining Review August 17, 2020, https://australianminingreview.com.au/features/tackling-saline-mine-pit-lakes/ link – interview with Mark Lund


Blanchette, M. and Lund, M.A. (2017) Turning Hazelwood’s empty coal mine into a lake could help heal mining towns. The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/turning-hazelwoods-empty-coal-mine-into-a-lake-could-help-heal-mining-towns-74258. link

Lund, M.A. and Blanchette, M.L. (2017) Mine Closure: enhancing the prospects for future generations. ECU research making a difference. p 18-19. PDF


Lund, M.A., Blanchette, M.L., Newport, M. and Wyse, L. (2014) The Mine Water and Environment Research Centre in Western Australia: Engaging students in academics and industry. Poster presented at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Portland, Oregon 18-23 May. PDF

Lund, M.A. (2014) Once mine, now everyone’s. Edith Magazine 1: 10-13, Edith Cowan Unviersity, Perth. PDF

Lund, M.A. (2014) How can we make better use of the Swan River. Edith Magazine 2: 6, Edith Cowan Unviersity, Perth. PDF

MiWER (2014) Researchers look into impacts of connecting old mine pits to rivers in WA’s south -west.  ABC News. link

McCullough, C.D. (2014) Mine Closure approach undergoes rethink. Golder Associates Technically Speaking 92:8. PDF


Blanchette M.L. (2013) Boom and Bust in tropical rivers – when and why? Cohesion magazine. Edith Cowan University. November 2013.


McCullough, C.D. (2011) Re-defining sustainability: Better planning promises better pit lake outcomes. CIM Magazine 6 (4) 46-47. PDF

McCullough, C.D. (2011) Pit Lakes and mine closure – liability or opportunity? AusIMM Bulletin p20-21. PDF


MiWER (2010) Case Study: Unlocking the missing link to sustainable mine void water use. Westfarmers Resources Sustainability in Action Report, Brisbane. PDF


McCullough, C.D. and Lund, M.A. (2009) Australia’s mining boom leads to a boom in new lakes. SIL news 54: 8-9. PDF


McCullough, C.D. and Lund, M.A. (2008) CHS engagement helps a small miner to operate more sustainably. Cohesion Magazine (3), Edith Cowan University, Perth p8 PDF


Lund, M.A. and McCullough, C.D. (2006) Collinsville Coal Project. Cohesion Magazine, Edith Cowan University, Perth p4. PDF



Lund, M.A. (2001) Controlling acidity in flooded Collie (WA) coal voids – Is it necessary and how can it be achieved?. AMEEF Groundwork 4(2) 7-9. PDF

Lund, M.A. (2001) Controlling acidity in coal fields. The Mining Chronicle 6 (12):16. PDF


Lund, M.A. and Van Etten, E. (1996) A case study of waste management practices of a large Australian University. Waste Management and Environment Magazine 7 (4): 24-27. PDF


Lund, M.A. (1995) Urban lakes of Perth (Western Australia) a history of degradation and loss. Lakeline Magazine15(2): 24-25 PDF


Lund, M.A. and Davis, J. (1990) Towards improved water quality in Perth wetlands through Biomanipulation. Land and Water Research News (Perth) 7:4 PDF